?Are you taking advantage of these 7?

If you follow my posts or #liveyourtruthcoaching, you’ll know I talk a lot about our energy awareness and management as being fundamental to anything else we do in life.

?‍♀️Every activity we do, requires energy.?‍♂️

It’s worth paying attention to our energy throughout the day so we can to quickly spot when:
⚡our energy is high
?when it’s good
?when it could be better
?or just isn’t there

With this insight we can better choose how to spend our energy to be more #productive and ultimately more #effective.

*Yesterday I shared Dr Saundra Dalton-Smiths TedTalk ➡
“The real reason why we are tired and what to do about it”.

✔She shares the 7 rest types (below) and how accessing these offers valuable rest and restoration.✔

?Why care?
When we better manage our energy, we are more equipped to lead ourselves and our lives.

?*If you are struggling to lead yourself in life and work and would like to live with more energy, confidence and focus, let’s talk.?

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