I’ve been the queen of this…

Getting in my own way…

When embarking upon change or moving towards a goal, we can get in the way of our own success and in creating lasting change – by trying to make our first move an all or nothing leap.

We might realise we have bitten off more than we can chew and find ourselves with an unsustainable approach to moving forwards.

We might not make any moves because we believe it has to be some big leap, when in fact we can make a breakthrough by taking that small but mighty, first baby step.

Contenting ourselves, being patient and trusting the journey whilst taking continuous baby steps is more transformational than it might seem.

🔸When did you last endeavour to make a change in your life, but never quite got started?🔸

🌱Know Yourself 🌱Lead yourself 🌱Lead Your Life 🌱

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